Categories: Synology

Sortie de la première mise à jour du firmware Synology 5.0

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Mise à jour de sécurité de votre Synology et qui intervient seulement 3 semaines après la sortie de la version 5.0 du firmware Synology.

C’était ici : https://archive.brizawen.com/?p=8737

Nom de code la bête : Version: 5.0-4458 Update 1

Cette mise à jour corrige les problèmes suivants :

Mise à jour Synology

  1. Fixed an issue where encrypted shares could not be mounted on ext3 volumes.
  2. Fixed an issue where WMM QoS settings did not take effect normally.
  3. Fixed an issue where some USB ports were unusable in certain situations when a USB hub was connected.
  4. Fixed several issues related to USB external drives.
  5. Enhanced the stability of file transfers.
  6. Enhanced the compatibility of Multiple Version Backup when source folder contains device nodes.
  7. Enhanced the compatibility of WebDAV when using NetDrive.
  8. Changed the error reporting settings of Web Station.
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