CloudFlare – your website is not up to date with Cloudflare, the solution : the PURGE

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If you find that your website Cloudflare is no longer up to date, the latest articles don’t appear, it is certainly a problem of PURGE. The problem appears if you use the rules « Ewery Thing » that have the advantage of making your website very fast but does not include updates to the site. To make … Lire la suite

Cloudflare : Problem of Cloudflare with the code java script adsense

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For some time, I have notice that my Google adsense advertising do not appear on certains pages of my blog. I am not worried and  I have  attributed this oddity  to Google. I have decided today to explore the reals reasons and I found the culprit. This is Cloudflare and more specially the option « Rocket … Lire la suite